"I have known Sakhya for over 40 years and his classes will be very informative and they will be fun, so you'll have a few good laughs while you learn wonderful shlokas. I think this is a very good opportunity to learn!" Mahatma Dasa, Bhakti School.

"My dear Sakhyarasa Prema Prabhu you are an enthusiastic Sanskrit pronunciation proponent. We want you to promote the re-formation of improved Sanskrit pronunciation in our worldwide ISKCON."   Lokanath Swami, ISKCON Kirtan  Minister.

Online Sanskrit Shlokarship Courses

Group and Custom Modules


What The Student Are Saying...

"I regularly recite Śrimad Bhagavad Gita and Śrimad Bhagavatam, but joining the Shlokarship course gave me a better way to understand Bhagavad Gita and the Bhagavat Purana in a proper way and Shlokas included in the course make us realise the truth spoken by Lord Sri Krishna in its true sense with deeper understanding.  Thanks to Sakhyarasa Prema Prabhuji for this brilliant initiative and sincere effort to make it all work so well.  Sangita Rajaram, Mumbai.

"Shloka learning is a dream come true!! I always dreamt but never had courage to face it.  It seemed terrifying, but these shloka lessons with our professor Sakhyarasa Prema Das (JPS) is so enlivening:  We travel throughout Gita, Bhagavatam and Isopanishad surfing the waves of the most qualified philosophy happily in a smooth style.  We stammer, yet we move forward, diving into unlimited treasures, laughing and daring!"  Bhagavati Devi Dasi, Brazil.

"Learning How to Learn Vedic Verses with Sakhyarasa Prema Prabhu is not only about memorization of Divine scriptures, but it is a multi-layered spiritual experience.  In reading, writing and reciting the verses, a close bond is formed between the shlokas, Krishna Himself, the student, other students and the teacher.  Sakhyarasa Prema Dasa is not only an astute and knowledgeable teacher, but he is fun to learn from and makes learning the shlokas a very enjoyable experience!  I highly recommend this course." Melinda Montague, Portland, Oregan.

"I would like to thank Prabhu Sakhya Prema for these lessons. I feel so good to learn these shlokas. I never thought I could say them but I have now learnt in a very short time few verses by heart and it's unbelievable as I am very new to this. I pray to Krishna to help me because I really want to learn. I would encourage people to take the opportunity to join as this is helping me so much in my personal life too. During this pandemic I truly achieved something great because I took the opportunity and persevered without having any real knowledge of sanskrit. Thank you so very much. Your way of teaching us is very inspiring and fun too and you are so blessed to have so much knowledge which you are sharing with us." Chandrika Rathod, London.

"The vedas tell us that this world is an ocean of faults and some of the waves of it are on the internet.  With the present lockdown situation, we end up surfing these waves of variegated sources more and more.  Learning shlokas with Sakhya Prabhu is, I find, a great help in keeping me and my mind on the right track in connection with the Absolute Truth, Sri Krishna Bhagavan.  It inspires me toward vedic subject matter more and the great sadhu-sanga with him and the other nice devotees in the group is such a wonderful thing in these times of greater austerity.  Thank you Prabhuji for so kindly facilitating us."  Hare Krishna! 

Vraja Kumara Dasa, Rio d'Janeiro.

"I have been with this Shlokarship Unlimited learning course since April-May 2020 and like to mention that it has been brilliant experience going through at least 80+ shlokas.  Of course it has not been easy to memorise all of them, but have been able to memorise many of them. 

Most importantly, the shlokas become very useful when I am preaching or explaining some important spiritual subject.  As Srila Prabhupada said "Memorising shlokas are good and it is an opulence if we are preaching".  So overall, it has been a wonderful experience, learning with right pronunciation and in the right company of other lovely students. And not to mention with a knowledgeable, friendly and humorous teacher that's our Sakhyarasa Prema prabhuji.  I have already received three certificates for three levels and hope to get some more in the future.

Last word:

Anyone interested in learning Sanskrit Devanagari, the divine language with so many empowering shlokas, must surely attend these five level courses for a very soothing, calming, peaceful and self empowering experience. Very impressed! 

Thank you Sakhyarasa Prema prabhu."

Hare Krishna.

Damodara Vilas Dasa. Manchester - Mumbai.

"I love Professor Sakhya Prema's classes because not only do we learn to speak Sanskrit correctly, but we are learning the most important verses that often go unnoticed. Sakhyarasa Prema prabhu has a wonderful mood making his classes so much fun. Many thanks for teaching us prabhu."🙏 Kamala Kanta Devi Dasi, Head Pujari, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

"At first I was quite nervous to be part of an online zoom shloka session, but once I tried it, I found it to be really great!  I was most impressed that there was no pressure or expectations of me whatsoever. In fact, now I feel uplifted and encouraged to make an extra effort to learn these wonderful Vedic verses.  So it can only be a good thing for anyone, anywhere at anytime!" Rati Manjari Devi Dasi, Moundsville, USA.

"I would like to recommend His Grace Sakhya Prema's online Sanskrit verse learning classes. It's both serious and fun. A useful use of online software. Give it a go!" Caranaravrinda das Brahmachari Acbsp. Most fallen.

"My material body/mind/intelligence are soon going to be 61 years old. Can you teach an old doggie new tricks? Yes you can! Presently, I am memorizing approximately one verse a day. Some are new and some are ones that I knew, but had almost forgotten them, having stored and/or kicked around in side my subconsciousness for the last thirty seven years. It’s never too late, just do it for the pleasure of Guru and Gauranga." Bhāgavata Purāṇa Dāsa, 24hr Kirtan, Vrindavan.

"I feel really blessed to be a part of Sakhya Prema Prabhu's Shloka lessons. Shlokarship Unlimited classes are a wonderful way to learn DevaVaani Sanskrit and engage the mind in Krishna's service effortlessly. The choice of verses are perfectly arranged to be adopted in our lives and serve as a ready reckoner for any decision making.  Sadhu Sanga and Shastras and Sanskrit Shlokarship is the best value package for everyone in Kaliyuga!" Shyamasundari Devi Dasi, Moscow - Thanjavur.

"Thanks you very much Sakhya Prema prabhu. This class is the first time I learn Sanskrit shlokas and I love it. It makes me improved a lot and help me understand Bhagavad Gita more deeply.  I feel enlightened, peace and joy in my heart learning Sanskrit shlokas and associating with devotees online always feel good . Thanks to everyone who joined and taken part and thank you again for helping me Sakhyarasa Prema prabhu." Malini Devi Dasi Sirinuch, Edinburg - Tailand.

"Learning slokas with fun and cool teacher like His Grace Sakhyarasa Prema prabhu has been really beneficial for me. By reciting and memorising verses we get to know more about the content of our spiritual literature and understand the message of Sri Krishna. So if you want to come closer to Krishna, please come and join us on zoom as per your time convenience." Hare Krishna! Navavrinda Dasi, Flac, Mauritius.

"What an amazing opportunity this 'Shlokarship Unlimited course 4 All' has presented us. No matter where you start with this wonderful learning prospect, you begin to add to your repertoire of Shlokas right from the outset. It’s like a Gulab Jamun of Shlokas, sweet from any angle you bite. I would urge anyone with even the slightest interest in learning verses to dive into this ocean of devotion, without any commotion and straight up to the highest promotion. All glories to your service Sakhyarasa Prema prabhu. A wonderful innovation!" Vidura Dasa, Birmingham / Ireland.

"Even while focusing on specific Sanskrit words and their meaning, the classes are never boring or difficult.  It helps me connect with Sanskrit language and as a consequence I find it easier to memorise shlokas afterwards as I don’t see them just as a series of sounds and syllables but as meaningful ideas and concepts."

Specific realisations that I particularly liked and noted from the sessions to meditate on and share with devotees are:

“No one is a victim in this world.” Such a powerful statement, as we are always lamenting and hankering for something.

“If you achieve liberation and go to brahmajyoti, remember that all demons who also got liberated by Krishna ended up there so you won’t have such good association!"

“The power of Hare Krishna mantra is to transform purusha bhava into dasya bhava”.  We can forget that actually it is a humble prayer for service.

“What are you pretending not to know?” That was such a good point to meditate on...

“If you depend on yourself, you depend on ignorance." I think that came at the right time for me to meditate on, as many times in many situations I am so arrogant to think I know what I need and I think I can work on my own to get what I want.  Brajadevi Devi Dasi, Leicester - Italy.

"I feel encouraged to say, 'Yes,' for me too. I appreciate all who are participating, all coming together to learn. The Bhagavad Gita shlokas have a way of lifting one right up, even when feeling well below par. It is, as if Lord Krishna is right there beside us showing the way.  We’re blessed to have that vibration ringing through as we learn.  Everytime I zoom into Amma's, all the disciples are so well versed in the Bhagavad Gita too.  My Brother in Oz is totally backing me up in learning the Shlokas. Every Sampradaya has the Bhagavad Gita - Krishna's gems.  And believe me, I get more from this than any medication.

Thank you, Sakhya Prabhu for making it fun and so easy to learn.  Love the classes."          Sarada Thompson, Carmarthen - Singapore 🙏

"The Shloka lessons have really helped me gain a better appreciation of Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and related texts, including the Sanskrit language itself.  It has given a better insight into the endeavour of Srila Prabhupada to write his books with such depth of culture and spiritual realisation. The online lessons set up by Sakhya prabhu have clearly demonstrated how anybody, no matter how disqualified, can learn and recite from memory so many wonderful shlokas."  Sushil Sharma, Sutton Coldfield, UK.

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