"I have known Sakhya for over 40 years and his classes will be very informative and they will be fun, so you'll have a few good laughs while you learn wonderful shlokas. I think this is a very good opportunity to learn!" Mahatma Dasa, Bhakti School.

"My dear Sakhyarasa Prema Prabhu you are an enthusiastic Sanskrit pronunciation proponent. We want you to promote the re-formation of improved Sanskrit pronunciation in our worldwide ISKCON."   Lokanath Swami, ISKCON Kirtan  Minister.

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Kirtanam - Chanting

"If you have heard from the right source and if you are convinced, then automatically you will try to perform kirtana.  Kirtana is derived from the word 'kirti' which means fame/reputation and kirtan means glorifying or to amplify or preach.  Anyone who has listened from the right person, authority, about Bhagavad-gita or Śrimad-Bhāgavatam, about Krishna or about Rama, he would like to preach that. That is automatic, glorifying.  That preaching is equal, that is called kirtana. Kirtana...  Simply preaching, glorifying, or speaking about the Lord, that is also kirtana. And performing kirtana as we do here in the temple, with mrdanga and karatala, chanting, that is also kirtana.  Śukadeva Gosvami explained the Srimad-Bhagavatam to Pariksit Maharaja. And he simply listened to him carefully. This is sravanam kirtanam. Pariksit Maharaja is hearing, and Sukadeva Gosvami is performing kirtana, describing all the glories of the Lord. That is kirtana."

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