"I have known Sakhya for over 40 years and his classes will be very informative and they will be fun, so you'll have a few good laughs while you learn wonderful shlokas. I think this is a very good opportunity to learn!" Mahatma Dasa, Bhakti School.

"My dear Sakhyarasa Prema Prabhu you are an enthusiastic Sanskrit pronunciation proponent. We want you to promote the re-formation of improved Sanskrit pronunciation in our worldwide ISKCON."   Lokanath Swami, ISKCON Kirtan  Minister.

Online Sanskrit Shlokarship Courses

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Science of Learning Shlokas

The Application of the Science of Shlokas

śrotavyādīni rājendra

nṛṇāṁ santi sahasraśaḥ

apaśyatām ātma-tattvaṁ

gṛheṣu gṛha-medhinām


Those persons who are materially engrossed, being blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth, have many subject matters for hearing in human society, O Emperor.

Srimad Bhagavatam  2.1.2

Focusing one's mind on acheiving a specific goal is known in Sanskrit as 'yoga karmasu kauśalam' or the art of all work. The mind is meant to be focused on achieving the goal of life, muktir hitvānyathā rūpaṁ svarūpeṇa vyavasthiti, which is to become fully reinstated in one's eternal constitutional postion as the servant of the servant of the Lord. 

In the material world, in the bodily concept of life, everyone is working in the wrong direction. When one becomes brahma-bhūta, spiritually realized, one understands that he is not the body and that working in the bodily concept of life is useless and misdirected.

Shloka Science:

The process of becoming absorbed in shubdha pramana (transcendental sound vibration), forms the science of learning shlokas. Without knowledge of the shastra, there is way to much room for speculation and guesswork.   This leaves one with only anuman (conjecture) and pratyaksa (sensual perception) as the basis of one's convictions in life.  

It is stated the Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28, 'krsnas tu bhagavan svayam' or Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the source of all Avataras or Incarnations of God in both the material and spirtual worlds.  But knowing 'how' He is the Supreme form of Godhead requires the application of the science of learning shlokas - Vedic Proofs.  A brahman means - 'brahma janatiti brahmana' or he has to actually know what brahman is and that is only possible by learning the shastras.  This means there is zero room for specuation or deviation from the Absolute Truth.

To be continued...

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