"I have known Sakhya for over 40 years and his classes will be very informative and they will be fun, so you'll have a few good laughs while you learn wonderful shlokas. I think this is a very good opportunity to learn!" Mahatma Dasa, Bhakti School.

"My dear Sakhyarasa Prema Prabhu you are an enthusiastic Sanskrit pronunciation proponent. We want you to promote the re-formation of improved Sanskrit pronunciation in our worldwide ISKCON."   Lokanath Swami, ISKCON Kirtan  Minister.

Online Sanskrit Shlokarship Courses

Group and Custom Modules

About Us

Meet Your Shlokarship Coarse Tutor

Sakhyarasa Prema Dasa has been a member of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness for over 40 years and is an experienced teacher.  He is a patient servant of the devotees who can help you achieve either one or all six levels of excellence on this course.  Many individuals have achieved satisfactory results under his tutelage.  He is also an accomplished musician and kirtaneer, playing several eastern and western instruments, hence his hearing is acutely sharp and ideal for guiding others toward clear and precise chanting of mantras and ślokas.  Sakhya is following guidelines from expert Sanskrit teachers from South India, has learned to read and write Sanskrit devanagari sript and is using Lokanāth Swami's Samskritoccāranam as a text book to aid with the correct pronunciation, grammar etc.  

Considering that so many advocates of various religious and philosophical pursuasions are able to competently quote their own docrtrines and scriptures, it behoves the initiated and non initiated members of ISKCON to learn, assimilate and memorise key verses in our śāstras. 

To be able to quote and correctly pronounce the original verses from Vaiṣnava scriptures is most pleasing and satisfying.  It also pleases one's Spiritual Master, the previous Vaiṣnava acharyas and is most pleasing to the Supreme Lord Himself Who is situated in the heart of all living entities as the Upādriṣta, Anumānta and Chaityā Guru within.  

Join one of our online shlokarship courses and get inspired to acquire the tools, techniques and expertise to be able to articulate and memorise sacred texts from the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhāgavatam, Shri Iśopaniṣad, Padma Purāna, Nectar of Instruction and Devotion, Katha, Mundākya, Svetāṣvatara Upaniṣad and many other śāstras along with basic and/or advanced levels of vyākaran/grammar.  It is a dynamic service and an ideal way to utilise your spare time for the greatest benefit!

You are most welcome to join us on zoom anytime during our shloka learning session which is posted on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday on the 'Learning How To Learn Vedic Verses' Facebook page.

Shlokarship Course Info:

120 śloka verses

500 - 1000 śubhda sanskrit words

Five level and certificate

Lessons on pronunciation

One on one customised lessons

Lessons on vyākaran and uccāranam

"This Shlokarship Unlimited program is having a positive effect on many devotees both within the world of ISKCON and outside of ISKCON. Many more people are appreciating the erudition of Srila Prabhupada’s followers. It was Srila Prabhupada's strong desire that devotees learn how to pronounce the Sanskrit shlokas in his books. He said that one can learn the Sanskrit language just by reading his books due to the use of Sanskrit diacritics. So I encourage new and old devotees to take advantage of Sakhya's shlokarship program and improve your Sanskrit pronunciation."  Bir Krishna das Goswami"

UK and USA Shlokarship Meeting

Children's Prahlada Shlokarship Meeting

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