"I have known Sakhya for over 40 years and his classes will be very informative and they will be fun, so you'll have a few good laughs while you learn wonderful shlokas. I think this is a very good opportunity to learn!" Mahatma Dasa, Bhakti School.

"My dear Sakhyarasa Prema Prabhu you are an enthusiastic Sanskrit pronunciation proponent. We want you to promote the re-formation of improved Sanskrit pronunciation in our worldwide ISKCON."   Lokanath Swami, ISKCON Kirtan  Minister.

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Srila Prabhupada Views On Slokas

Srila Prabhupada's Reaction To His Students Attitude To Sanskrit Verses

It's Time To Sought This Problem Out:

Śatadhanya Prabhu: ― One day Śrila Prabhupāda became very upset, and spoke in a strong voice describing how he had gone through all the trouble to include the Sanskrit ślokas and transliterations in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, but the devotees were neither showing any interest nor learning the correct Sanskrit pronunciation. In short, they were ignoring the Sanskrit he had placed within his books. He became adamant and said,"From now on everyone in ISKCON must learn to pronounce Sanskrit correctly and understand the Sanskrit ślokas."

For the next three weeks during every Śrīmad Bhāgavatam class, Prabhupāda called upon each devotee to chant the ślokas aloud. He would take ten or fifteen minutes with each person and personally teach him how to pronounce every single Sanskrit syllable in the śloka. In that way Prabhupāda taught seven or eight people every day.

We were studying the Second Canto, ― Answers Citing the Lord‘s Version and I remember, even to this day, the ślokas that Śrila Prabhupda drilled into us intensely day after day. In fact, Pradyumna would tutor the devotees during the day so that the next morning we would not be embarrassed when we were called upon to chant. We were finally able to correctly chant the ślokas in that whole chapter.

Before Prabhupāda left, he announced that there would be a final exam in the temple room. At class time Prabhupāda called on each devotee to recite the entire chapter in Sanskrit. Then Prabhupāda went through all the trouble to make corrections and explain how we did. This went on for hours, and he told each of us whether our recitation was good or more work had to be done. Somehow I was the last one to chant. I took my turn and recited the whole chapter. Then Prabhupāda looked at me and said, "First prize! (Tokyo, 1972)

Hands On Training:

Prabhupāda: Come on. Hmm. What is that?

Devotee: Sanskrit.

Prabhupāda: Bhāgavata?  So from the very beginning, oṁ namo bhagavate, janmdy asya yataḥ [SB 1.1.1].

Pradyumna: (chants the verse one word at a time with devotees and ŚrIla Prabhupāda repeating until Śrila Prabhupäda stops him at the word abhijñaḥ).

Prabhupāda: (chants whole verse one word at a time with devotees repeating) Like that.

Pradyumna: Janmādy asya yato ‘nvayād... [SB 1.1.1].

Prabhupāda: No, first of all let them practice. (chants whole verse one word at a time with devotees repeating) Read like that. Pradyumna: (chants whole verse one word at a time with devotees and Śrila Prabhupāda repeating)

Prabhupāda: Again. (Pradyumna repeats whole verse one word at a time with devotees and Śrila Prabhupāda repeating) Next you. (Devotee recites whole verse one word at a time with devotees and Śrila Prabhupāda repeating.) Hm. Kirtanānanda Mahārāja. Janmädy [SB 1.1.1]. (Kirtanānanda recites with devotees and Śrila Prabhupāda repeating until the word then when Śrila Prabhupāda interrupts.) This, this word abhijñaḥ or abhijñaḥ (pronounces differently,) both ways you can pronounce. So it is easier for you, as it is spelling abhijñaḥ and continues with Śrila Prabhupāda and devotees repeating.) Thank you.

Viṣṇujana Mahārāja. (Viṣṇujana recites with Śrila Prabhupāda and devotees repeating.) Karandhara Prabhu. (Karandhara recites with Śrila Prabhupāda and devotees repeating.) You. (Devotee recites with Śrila Prabhupāda and devotees repeating.) Any more? Anyone else? Hm. (Śrila Prabhupāda chants verse twice, one line at a time and devotees repeat.)

Prabhupāda: So, if you chant these mantras, at least one in one day, your life will be glorious. This mantra, bhāgavata-mantra, not only Bhāgavata, every Vedic literature is a mantra. Transcendental sound. So practice resounding this mantra. So we have taken so much labour to put in diacritic mark, all the words, word meaning, utilize it. Don‘t think that these books are only for sale. If you go to sell these books and if some customer says, ― You pronounce it, then what you will do? Then he will understand, ― Oh, you are for selling, not for understanding.  What do you think? So therefore it is necessary now, you have got nice books, each and every śloka, verse, should be pronounced. Therefore we have given this original verse in Sanskrit, its transliteration with diacritic mark-these marks are universally accepted amongst the scholars. So all the scholars of Sanskrit, they agreed to use this mark for pronouncing Sanskrit language.

Sanskrit language is very important, honored all over the world... So if, those who are Indians, especially present in this meeting, that if you want to glorify your country, then you present this Vedic literature... I am therefore so much labouring hard that we, before my leaving this body, I may give you some books who you can enjoy after my death. So utilize it. Utilize it. Read every śloka nicely, try to understand the meaning, discuss amongst yourselves. Nityaṁ bhāgavata-sevayā. That is our mission. ( Lecture, July 6, 1972 )


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